
Greetings! I’m Jay, a passionate software engineer hailing from Taiwan. My journey in the realm of technology has led me through diverse terrains, from mobile development and artificial intelligence to web development. This journey is fueled by an unyielding commitment to continuous learning, as I strive to enhance my skills and stay at the forefront of emerging technologies. Beyond the realm of code, I am also a dedicated language enthusiast. Fluent in my native language, Chinese, I am currently on a linguistic journey, mastering both Japanese and English with the aim of making them as natural to me as my mother tongue.

So, welcome to my digital garden, a curated space where I nurture and cultivate my brainchildren, notes, and blogs. At its core, this garden abides by the principle of “imperfectism.” While I once adhered to the pursuit of perfection in coding, article editing, and various endeavors, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty in embracing imperfection. Here, you’ll find notes and blogs that may not always boast a flawless structure or impeccable rhetoric. Instead, the focus is on the journey of creation, the iterative process of building, and the acceptance of imperfections as integral to the creative journey. It’s a testament to the belief that continuous creation and building, without the constraints of perfection, pave the way for remarkable results over time.

Ready to explore? Dive into my digital garden and join me on this dynamic journey of continuous learning and creative exploration.

If you’re interested in software development and computer science, check out these MOCs:

If you’re curious about my language journey, step into the world of linguistics: